Victory Christian School
510 9th AVE SW, Jamestown, ND 58401
- Serve meals to the teachers during Fall & Spring Parent Teacher Conference
- School Apparel promotion of our online shop
- Teacher Appreciation the first week of May
- Host Classroom Family Ice Cream Socials (coming Fall of 2025)
- Annual Fundraising Event: Gift Basket at the Sounds of the Season Concert
Want to get involved?
Become the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, or a general member of the PTO! These positions will be filled at our Spring PTO meeting
on April 29th @ 6:30 p.m. for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Periodic check-ins with the Vice President (at minimum once per month)
- Look at the activities calendar to keep events on track
- Determine if any communication/tasks need to happen and follow through
- Prepares an agenda and presides over General Meetings
- Coordinates work of all PTO members to ensure duties are being carried out
Vice President
- Assists the President through periodic check-ins (at minimum once per month)
- Fulfills the President’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve
- Works with the Creative Director to update PTO activities and information on the school’s website
- Collects, deposits, and disburses all funds by working directly with the school bookkeeper
- Maintains a current record of funds and reconciles balance with the school bookkeeper
- Records and translates the minutes of General Meetings
General Member
- Agree to Policies and Procedures of the PTO
- Attend General Meetings
- Lead or assist with PTO events
Any Questions? Contact Darcy Mickelson (701-202-7264) or Katie Tuchscher (701-269-5997)
Mission of VCS PTO
The mission of VCS PTO is to develop a closer connection between staff
and families by encouraging parent involvement through planning events that strengthens our school community.